Wednesday, April 27, 2011

and some have appended track

Great whales - whales prejudiced injury to others was reported from

moment, the Buddha in the Savatthi. Great Lohans Mahamaudgalyayana its supernatural power, and sometimes work to perdition, and periodically go starving ghosts, and sometimes apt Bangsheng Department Sometimes peregrination earth, sometimes to paradise. Venerable perdition go to hell and saw the afflict of the cold heat to annihilate each other; to starving ghosts undergo from starve and thirst to see the anguish of hungry ghosts; to Bangsheng inspected by the food they dine each other and slavery pain; travel and person ailment and necrosis Zhuku person face worth; fly to heaven and penetrate the suffering of Heaven fell die, return to world people were reported to announce namely the folk of the cicadas was the pain of the road, entire played on the reincarnation of Health samvega center.
once Mahamaudgalyayana Venerable in the Savatthi suddenly faded, he went to a quite colossal Bangsheng sector m to the sea. The sea divided into 3 layers: the 1st 2 layers of deep sea water Youxun 8 thousand million, of which 7 Youxun long whale, these whales hungry to open a huge mouth, the sea water and various sailor animals all the gargling stomach, your tolerate, and spit it out anew by the aquatic water small animals live on, and those in the navel of a small beast namely eating its entrails to sustain life. The second membrane of water deep twenty-five thousand Youxun, including massive whales in length an thousand four hundred Youxun,up accessible below tough. my wife down apt the motorcar holding the koala, it hungry Zhang Open mouth swallowing the first membrane of water in the aquatic animals. The third layer of water is 2 thousand five hundred Youxun, in width two thousand 1 hundred Youxun large whales, the whale swallowed the first and second layer of depending on animal survival. on The third layer of seawater, there is a mammoth whale, in its body, there are many size of the beast Qiangzhao Chi it, it's bitten into a body segment, some small, there is a Youxun, two Youxun, yet likewise like hill, favor a stop, it agonizing. not path, it swam to shore, yet because of karma is the former, there are five hundred Yaksha with an ax chop his other weapons, it's spine all tear off, blood Lili?? it can not stand then swim back to sea, the sea was all ruddy, and return to the sea, the sea, animals and racing to the size of its bite to eat its meat, tin no stand, and then return to beach , merely likewise a Yaksha stabbed it, and it was removed the pain is quite unbearable, noisy calling. Mahamaudgalyayana witnessed these circumstances, to use their own Shengwen wisdom, into the 4 meditation observe its elapse life karma: the sometime I, II World, III?? has been understood by its memorandum of each eye can not observe the world are Bangsheng. Then he thought: merely the Buddha's knowledge to thoroughly see without problems, I should go to the Blessed One, it does reason. Suddenly, he Savatthi secluded behind in the sea. while the Buddha was sermonizing to a number of dependents, Mahamaudgalyayana consider now I ask the Buddha, can behalf many sentient beings, palms attach respectfully ask immediately went to Buddha: and saw all the suffering of all sentient beings, return to acquaint people to empower them to students from the Malaise of the heart cycle, there is a excellent benefit. This period I went to the coast, saw a massive whale in the sea two thousand one hundred Youxun length, in the competing with the size of the sea animals eat food, pain, or to the beach there emerged to five hundred Yaksha karma pierced it, sanguinary red sea. see it if so seamless suffer, I observe it with Shengwen eye, it ahead I, II, III?? and even less to Shengwen view all Bangsheng lifetimes,shanghai escort, may I ask the Blessed One, what made it such a bad karma retribution suffered? I only hope fate behind his discourse, I listened such melody. > Buddha Gu Yue: . One daytime, his own wife: 『you are a wife and mom, naturally beautiful advent, our lives have always been nice, but immediately I teach in the mountains Wang, subject to the Three Refuges beneath the five precepts, can only catch on your food and clothes life; or I'll ascertain another one man to live with him. 』his wife said to him:『 husband, you now have under the Three Refuges five precepts, I have to not absence to live with others, should take paternity is on your bearing! 』husband and wife are still alive the neat life of prevalent. His wife, very pretty, many people absence her. in which a large snout, Minister of Health from the lust of his wife, attempting to want her. One daytime, a large nose with a human Secretary of State, took a lot of gold and silver to the lay home to him: 『trouble you, these gold and silver you concern approximately creature me, I'm going to work there, the sovereign, close at hand is not convenient, so I do come back anew removed after finishing it. 』lay very honestly the promise: you can』 『big nose to specifically see at him individually to spectator these treasures to this place lay. After a time, to lay at family lonely, big nose, said: intact money back to the big nose, which did not expect deceit. But then after a period of time, with a big nose that lay witnesses went family together, to lay said: 『Today, I spectator two the individual is the day we parked to repossess the treasure in your home, amuse send it to me. 』At the time, Lay was surprised and said:『 how? not long antecedent returned to you? Yamato nose simulated to be very angry look, then said: 『how do you like this person? day, expressly the two of us to treasure to you, today you did not give to get, but also wrong to take me back, really outrageous!』 them two fight endlessly, one let one, where the results went together to the throne asked the king to rule. went to the king there, big nose and a minister, variant witness, put this argue honestly lay to lose. Then his nose took the opportunity to lay beaten with a strap, a piece of his meat slit off a piece of land,toronto escorts, all with one ax broke his spine, in utmost pain, he has passed away. The scholar's death, he told Lay wife: 『I did anything to get you, so, from now on, you're my wife, we can happily over a lifetime.』 time, the donor's wife suffocate back the hearts of the resentment of his said: 『I, after her husband's cremation, the material satisfactorily, and we'll live together.』 coincided big nose, and depart the location, said Yin Xian: 『can, can, put your husband's body pulled forest cemetery go. 』he hypocritically accompanied, escorted the body of the donor to the cemetery in the woods. When the fire-burning cremation was being engaged, the donor's wife while he was not arranged, jumped into the bombard, the husband committed suicide, . At this point, did not get a big nose, and made a large deal of bad karma, and repent. all the priests, when the big nose is now creature reported by the great whales. It is the first in hell suffering immeasurable robbed by the great reported, and then go to Bangsheng sector has been suffering because such a great whales. such for, the Zheng Dengjue agreeable Tathagata was born, it was converted to the person, in agreeable faith under the Tathagata teaching monks, and permits may Mangosteen bit. Students played a samvega of the heart cycle, serves for melodious instruments such for Buddha Jianbi ambition pass the corresponding statute, and some have appended trail, the lukewarm, top, and forbearance, the world first; some have pre-flow results, the one fruit, not to fruit, Mangosteen; some have Kingland sovereign; some places and too Brahma Indra; some may Enlightened by Conditions, pratyekabuddhas morsel; some planted the result of supreme Bodhi; most other students are also from the Buddhist belief true converted to Buddhism.

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