Wednesday, April 27, 2011

3O no threaten the public feeding of animals

Protection of the environment is everyone can do one hundred readily
1 small bag
2 using the bus as distant as likely the pursuit of
3 Do not over-dressed vogue
4 does not enter the kernel place of ​​Nature Conservation
5 Promoting walking, cycling
6 does not use non-biodegradable plastic food vessels
7 does not expel fireworks
8 double-sided use of paper
9 saving food
10 refused to use disposable supplies
18 with saving discard the use of precious lumber products
19 refused to use disposable chopsticks
2O make full use of solar energy
21 items as the use of renewable energy-saving bulbs use
Simplified housing renovation
24 23 mend age alternatively discarded
25 involuntary borrow
26 multi-purpose soap,goats and a kind of monkeys, use less detergent
27 not Random occupation of farmland is not burning straw

28 29 do not interfere with the liberty of savage beasts alive
3O not threaten the public feeding of animals
31 propagating area do not eat frog, Rana security protection to promote agricultural
32 bird-watching, is not disapproved to off birds
33 nay to eat wild eggs
34 to pick up wild animals
35 less hair gel
36 by using the card to save the tree
37 do not dress animal fur clothes
38 rivers and lakes is not a small fishing
39 with canned edible, drinks
4O ​​is not without field burning Christmas tree
42 no to purchase wildlife products
43 do not dart cigarette butts
44 confusion picking, eating wild
45 understanding of citizen opener protected animals and plants
46 does not encourage making, buy of factory and animal specimens
47 not to wild animals kept as pets
48 scrutinized around small animals, birds and provide a convenient living conditions < br> 49 do not partake in the activities of cruelty to animals namely not encouraged to buy animals
50 loosen do not mob the streets of ape
52 animals were keen to save a complicated time, animal freedom to refrain from disservice
53 cruelty to animals do not look the trap animals
54 cable sets, clamps, cable lace decisively removed
55 in the room, the hospital working in the garden planting trees approximately their houses
57 in save periodical recycling waste disconnection and recovery of waste paper
59 donated to the penniless old thing
60 recycling of waste batteries
61 scrap metal recycling of garbage plastics recycling
63 recycling waste cup
64 to avoid toxic waste
65 less use freon-free refrigerators
66 to use less paper diapers
67 pesticides
68 less fertilizer, to make use of farmyard manure
69 less room to kill not abuse of pesticides
70 scalding may generate toxic gases items
71 do not cloud, inform people eat less smoking gum
72 not chase the quick upgrading of the calculator
intensive use of 74 precedence items
76 personal automobiles to buy green products regularly check exhaust
77 unleaded gasoline
78 rivers and lakes not to dump garbage
79 massive culling of flasks, massive bags of food
80 water distribution and knowing of family pollution
82 acquisition to patronize environmental protection and oppose extravagance,toronto escort, the easy life
83 tend to support the stock
84 environmental organizations, volunteer work, wash the avenues, waterfronts < br> 85 to dodge voyage pollution
86 do participate in environmental advocacy
87 awareness of environmental conservation volunteers
88 grassland desertification crisis
90 awareness awareness awareness of woods protection
91, Protection of the Marine
92 love old trees
94 heritage preservation and ecological harm to the surroundings in time to report the behavior of the news media
95 reports related to environmental control population
96, exhortations comeback by < br> 97 take convenience of every Green Day almost environmental awareness (Day spliced)
98 reading and prevalence of paperbacks, newspapers
99 to understand the signs and the averaging of green awareness of environmental signs

100 Green Day:
2 月 2 Day International Wetlands Day
3 月 9 daytime protection motherland and the mom rill at
3 月 12 日 Tree Planting Day in China
3 月 22
3 World Water Day World Meteorological Day, March 22
4 月 22 World Earth Day
5 月 31 Day World No Tobacco Day
6 月 5 World Environment Day
6 月 17 World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
6 月 25 Day World Land Day
7 月 11 Day World Population Day
9 月 16 Day International Ozone Layer Protection Day
9 月 22 Day World Car Free Day aboard World
10 月 4 Animal Day International Day
10 月 16 月 25 Food Day,toronto escort, World Day
11 days without meat 月 29 日
Biodiversity Day

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