Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the afterward generation of the Mesozoic. Paleozoic

Paleozoic (Paleozoic,toronto escort, symbol PZ) is the geological age of a generation, began in the isotopic age of 542 + / -0.3 million years (Ma), ends at 251 + /-0.4Ma. Paleozoic Phanerozoic part, on a generation of new Proterozoic, the next generation of the Mesozoic. Paleozoic, including the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian. Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian and Late Paleozoic together .
Paleozoic (Paleozoic era) mm geological age of the first three generation (1,2 represents are Archean and Proterozoic). About 5.7 billion years ago, began and ended in 230 million years ago. Paleozoic Total 6 Ji (Period), generally divided into early and late Paleozoic. Early Paleozoic, including the Cambrian (Cambrian 5.4 million years ago), Ordovician (Ordovician 5 million years ago) and Silurian (Silurian 4.35 million years ago), including the late Paleozoic Devonian (Devonian 4.05 million years ago), Carboniferous (Carboniferous 3.55 million years ago) and Permian (Permian 2.95 billion years ago.) fauna to marine invertebrates in the trilobites, software animals and echinoderms the most prosperous. in the Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous,such for Heng Hesha teachers mention, one after another low fish, amphibians and ancient ancient reptiles. fish in the Devonian of the peak. Carboniferous Ji and Permian insects and amphibians thrive. ancient plants in the early Paleozoic to marine algae, to the late Silurian, the original plant began on land. Devonian to the bare fern plant-based. Carboniferous and II Permian, the fern plants are especially busy, the formation of dense forest, is an important coal-forming period.
geological name. Phanerozoic (Phanerozoic Eon) the first generation, about 5.7 million years ago to 230 million years ago, the accounting period of the Phanerozoic 2 / 3. including the early Paleozoic Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian and Late Paleozoic Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian. Early Paleozoic marine invertebrates is Animals era of development, such as the Cambrian arthropod trilobite, Ordovician graptolites and cephalopods, Devonian corals and brachiopods and so on. earliest Ordovician vertebrates are jawless fish appear . plants to aquatic bacteria and algae-based, bare the late Silurian fern plants. in the late Paleozoic terrestrial vertebrates began. fish flourish in the Devonian to the original amphibian evolution. Carboniferous and Permian When Ji, amphibians and reptiles accounted for the chief location. plants also depend on spores of the fern into the period of great development, Carboniferous and Permian fern forests due to a geological history of the important coal-forming period. Paleozoic crustal movement and the mysterious clash of climate change, the development of the natural environment. Early Palaeozoic crustal movement in Europe known as the Caledonian movement, movement in the Americas, said Tai, also known as Guangxi movement in China. At this point the ancient North America, ancient Europe, ancient Asia, Gang Wana ancient old land and the Pacific, have formed the ancient Mediterranean. late Paleozoic Hercynian crustal movements in Europe, said (Variscan) movement in North America, said Alegaini movement, movement in China, also known as the Tian Shan. After Palaeozoic crustal movement many of the world appears a huge fold mountains, south of the northern Gondwana and Laurasia combined attach to fashion Pangea (United ancient land.) Late Paleozoic Gondwana Lu Fasheng in large-scale glaciation, the ice canvas located in the ancient latitude 60. among this South Africa, Argentina and other places, the role of the glacier on the geological history of the Carboniferous-Permian glacial most m. Paleozoic Paleozoic strata collectively.
Cambrian (Cambrian 5.4 ~ 5.1 million years ago) m
great development of marine invertebrates is the geological division of the Cambrian Phanerozoic Paleozoic is the first record, dating back some 540 million to 510 million years Cambrian is the beginning of modern biology, modern life on Earth began, the development period. Cambrian of us it is very distant and unfamiliar, characteristics of this period is completely different from the mainland of the Earth today. Cambrian often known as the animal, save a large number of fossils, making it feasible to study the status of biological time, and the ability to use biological usages to stratigraphic division and correlation of strata, then studied the organic community and the inorganic relatively complete history of the development. but tell us the Chengjiang fauna Now the diversity of life on Earth in the Cambrian animal categories soon began almost simultaneously.
Cambrian is the Phanerozoic (Phanerozoic Eon) begin, marking the evolution of life on Earth a new scene. a short period after the start of the Cambrian period millions of years, including almost all taxa are progenitors of animals, including a large number of multi-cellular organisms suddenly appeared, the biological evolution of explosive memorabilia known as the explosion it is also known as the Cambrian very different. the more outstanding are the Early Cambrian Chengjiang fauna of South Wushi Yun, Canada, Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale biota. Cambrian the biosphere in marine invertebrates and marine algae . many of the senior category of invertebrates such as arthropods,shanghai massage, echinoderms, molluscs, brachiopods, graptolites and so have a representative. Arthropoda in which contour the most important of trilobites, brachiopods followed. In addition , the ancient glasses, ancient ostracods, soft tongue snails, conodonts, ammonites etc. are also very important. conodonts do not speak alongside, there are many other tall representatives of the chordates, such as the China Yunnan Chengjiang animal group of Chinese eel, Yunnan, fish, sea fish, in the Burgess Shale in Canada to open the skin worms, the United States on the Cambrian duck fish scales.
in the rainy lowlands, may be distributed with moss and lichen the lower plants, but they absence real roots organization, it is laborious living in dry areas; invertebrates has at present evolved to adapt to the function of life in the air. Cambrian terrestrial not true, the absence of pique on the mainland , desolate one.
paleontology reference ; Cambrian explosion Burgess Shale fossil fauna than the Cambrian explosion, each animal on the planet exist nearly all categories, prefer than afterward a long period of evolution of slowly getting to the. It ambition push the animal diversity in the history of the sometime to the early Cambrian.
biomorphic Cambrian strange, and the Earth are very different creatures. The most ancient species also appeared in this epoch, is the village of Haikou fish, wood ears (Haikouichthys ercaicunensis), the excavation in the Chengjiang fauna fossil.
Cambrian is geological history is a division of the Paleozoic Phanerozoic, the first century, dating behind some 540 million to 510 million years, the Cambrian is the beginning of modern biology, modern life on Earth began, the development period. Cambrian of us it is very far and unfamiliar, this period function is completely different from the mainland of the Earth today. Cambrian often phoned the mineralization of the hard shell of trilobites. Chengjiang fauna, but told us that life on Earth is immediately a wide kind of categories in the Cambrian beasts soon began to appear almost simultaneously.
Ordovician (Ordovician Period, Ordovician ), the name of geological time, (the original emergence of vertebrates) is the Paleozoic the second century, began 500 million years ago, lasted 6500 years.
Ordovician (Ordovician, symbol O) is the geological age a century, began in the isotopic age of 488.3 + / -1.7 million years (Ma), ends at 443.7 + /-1.5Ma.
Ordovician also points early, middle and later world. Ordovician history of Shanghai is to intrude one of the most roomy period. In the internal layer panel area, widespread water, showing the coastal and shallow marine carbonate rocks in general development, the activities of the edge of the panel to trough, for the deep-water environment, to form the thickness of a great shallow sea, deep-sea sedimentary clastic sedimentary and volcanic eruptions. Ordovician stage there had been a large-scale glaciation, its distribution, including Africa, particularly North Africa, South America, Argentina, Bolivia, and Europe and other places of Spain and southern France.
Porto Nigel (Arenig) to eastern along the North Wales mountains of rock, located in the Cambrian and Silurian rocks between. because this area is the ancient Ordovician Tribes (Ordovices) of residence, hence the name.
【 ],[, echinoderms of the Sea Ringo class (Cystoides), mollusks in the Nautilus class (Nautilites) the most common corals, bryozoans, crinoids, ostracods, and conodonts were also many. arthropod board feet TAL Class (Eutypterids) and non-gnathostome vertebrates [such as armor fish (Os-tracoderms)], etc. have occurred. lower marine plants continue to develop.
the biosphere than the Cambrian-Ordovician more prosperous, the unprecedented development of marine invertebrates, which graptolites, trilobites, ammonites and brachiopods the most essential class of carbon and nitrogen in the coral beds aperture worms, echinoderms of the Sea Ringo, crinoids , arthropods in the ostracods, bryozoan, also a great number.
mid-Ordovician, the Rocky Mountains in North America, the emergence of a primitive class of vertebrates vary Turtle Star Turtle and significant folds mm fish, in the southern hemisphere Australia has also appeared in different turtle class. plants still marine algae.
Ordovician (5.1-4.38 million years ago)-mm marine invertebrate animals, the heyday of attribute in the Ordovician spacious
the ocean, marine invertebrates of unprecedented prosperity, live in a large number of invertebrates in all categories. In addition to the Cambrian began to flourish in the group, other groups also received a number of further development, including graptolites, corals, brachiopods, sea Lily, bryozoans and molluscs.
Ordovician graptolite is the most unusual group of marine animals, they start from the Early Ordovician yet flourishing breeding, are widely distributed. brachiopods evolved rapidly during this period Austria, Most of the groups have emerged, no hinge type, chitin shell gradually decline brachiopods, calcareous shell of a hinged type are very renowned; Nautilus into the prosperous period, they are a huge body, was savage ocean carnivorous animals; a lot of carnivorous Nautilus as the emergence of class, to defend against, trilobites in the chest, tail grow many acupuncture, to dodge predators bombard or swallowed. coral from the Ordovician appearance of large numbers Although the body of the coral reef complex has a more original, but has been capable to form a small reef. Since the great development of marine invertebrates, is very busy Precambrian stromatolite decline sharply in the Ordovician.
In the late Ordovician, about 4.8 billion years ago, the first time a authentic terrestrial vertebrates - fish, freshwater jawless; freshwater plants presumably have also appeared in the Ordovician.
Ordovician (Ordovician Period, Ordovician), geological name of the Paleozoic the second century, began 500 million years ago, lasted 6500 years.
Silurian (Silurian period) (pen stone age, land plants and gnathostome there) is the early Paleozoic of the last century, but also the third century Paleozoic. The century began 435 million years ago, lasted 2500 years. from the Silurian island in the Baltic Haigedelan well-developed Therefore, once known as Gede Lan system. Silurian can be divided into early, middle and later the world.
the nature of the Silurian-third more significant. Generally speaking, the formation around the Early Silurian transgression Middle Silurian transgression reached its peak, Late Silurian, the sea around the different levels and land back up, showing a huge transgression cycles. Late Silurian, the strong crustal movement, the ancient Atlantic closed, place a number of plates collision, guiding some to slot folds rise, changes the face of the ancient geography, the mainland area was significantly expanded, biological evolution is also a great place, all this marks the historical development of the crust to a turning point.
biological features Silurian Compared with the Ordovician, with the further development and change. marine invertebrates during the Silurian still an important position, but all categories of species turnover and internal components have been changed. such as the graptolites retained Shuangbi Stone, Stone new single is also very busy; brachiopod internal architecture becomes more complex, such as the five-room Bay Head, Shi Yan Pui eyes, mouth and brain shell has been developed; cephalopod molluscs Gang, a significant rebate in Nautilus class, and Bivalvia, Gastropoda the gradual development; trilobites began to decline, but the spider-shaped pate fashioned brain and a large number of medium development; arthropod Limulus in the foot plate, also known as Scorpion jaw shield the skin of fish and fish spines appear, which in vertebrate evolution is a major event, the fish began to conquer the waters of the great development for the Devonian to establish the conditions for fish.
addition to sailor plants Algae is still flourishing outdoor the Late Silurian, late in the bare land plants first appeared fern plants, plants from the water eventually began to land evolution, which is another major accident in biological evolution.
Silurian (from In this 438 ---- 410 000 000) mm
the proliferation of vertebrates and plants gnathostome successful landing took place in the emergence of the Silurian of the most important event of biological evolution. As intense orogeny, the Earth's surface there was greater change, marine area is reduced, the mainland area of ​​expansion. As a forerunner in terrestrial higher plants, lower vascular plants and gradually began to occupy the land, where ferns and club mosses bare category is the earliest known terrestrial plants. in the Ordovician jawless fish, vertebrates appear to further development, has been a lot of boom; in the mid-Silurian, the more advanced a jaw fish began to appear, for the subsequent large fish such as the development of higher vertebrates root.
Silurian, the marine invertebrates important updates have taken place, prosperous moment the ebb of trilobites, the board began to rise enough horseshoe crab class, was the largest marine arthropod species in the individual. with the development of land plants, also appeared in the late Silurian of the earliest arthropod insects and Arachnida class.
greatest feature of this period began to board the land plants, also appeared in the sea of ​​fish have mouth - - spine fish, spiny fish and evolved into a gill cover bone, gathered in groups of coral life, and finally the formation of coral reefs.
Silurian (Silurian period) is the early Paleozoic the final century, is also the Paleozoic section three penalty. The disc begins 435 million years ago, lasted 2500 years. from the Silurian island in the Baltic Haigedelan adult well, it was once called the Gede Lan system. divisible Silurian early, medium and later the world. the ecology of the Silurian-third more significant. Generally speaking, the formation nigh the Early Silurian transgression, in the Silurian transgression approached its tip, Late Silurian, in altering degrees around the regression and the land rose, showing a huge transgression wheels. Late Silurian, the muscular crustal campaign, the ancient Atlantic closed, some collisions between plates, resulting in a number of geosyncline fold heave, changes the face of the ancient geography, the mainland area was significantly expanded, biological evolution is also a great place, always this marks the historical development of the crust to a rotating point.
Devonian (Devonian period) (Fish era)
Devonian (Devounian, symbol D) is geological old of a century, began in the isotopic old of 416 + / -2.8 million years (Ma), ends by 359.2 + /-2.5Ma.
geological name of the Paleozoic of the fourth century, began about 405 million years ago, ended 3.5 billion years ago, lasted about 5,000 years. geographical landscape has made a mammoth change in the earlier Paleozoic. showed the expansion of land place, the development of continental strata, the face of biological colossal changes have taken area. of land plants, fish-shaped animal unprecedented development, amphibians began to appear, invertebrates are also significant changes in the composition.
lush fern nude early, mid, ferns and primitive gymnosperms appear. invertebrate addition to corals, brachiopods, worm holes and layer (Stromatoporoidea, coelenterate door, hydra worm Outline of a project), etc. continue to flourish, but also the emergence of primitive ammonoids (Ammonites, is Mollusca, cephalopods, a subclass), and insects. vertebrates, fish (including fish, armor, shield the skin of fish, The total fin fish, etc.) an unprecedented development, so the Devonian has appear.
name origin
Qiwei Ke (A. Sedgwick) and Murchison (RIMuchison) studied the county's , on behalf of symbol . of land plants, fish-shaped animal unprecedented development, amphibians began to appear, invertebrates were also significantly changed the essay.
the rapid development of brachiopods in the Devonian, Silurian Shi Yan Pui head began to appear as the Devonian important fossils. In addition, the perforated shell eyes, head tangling on shellfish, no head and mouth Pui Pui hole mesh Devonian strata in the assortment and correlation is also very important.
bubble and twice belt type rugose corals rather prosperous. Early Devonian to foam-based, dual zone type corals began to rise; in the Late Devonian to double with the dominant type of coral.
Nautilus class greatly reduced, the edge ammonite ammonite Poseidon Stone class and flourished.
class is most graptolite extinction, a few leftovers of the Early Devonian Section on behalf of single stone.
bamboo Stone began in the Ordovician, the Devonian was reached its height, the late Devonian extinction. which the tower shell-type species the most prosperous section of stone, light shell is also very important section of Stone.
Devonian conodont evolution entered into a development summit, the During the platform is portrayed by large numbers of molecules.
earliest insect fossils found in Devonian.
over the development of the Devonian period of the vertebrate, fish very prosperous, manifold types of fish are occurs, it is known as the Devonian development, into the crooked-shaped tail.
Devonian fern plant bare more prosperous, a small quantity of lycopodium plants, mostly easy form, the individual type of small herb; Middle Devonian fern plants still have the edge bare, Lycopodium, but the original plant is more developed, the emergence of primitive wedge leaf plants and the most primitive true fern plants; the appearance of the Late Devonian, the bare fern plants on the brink of extinction, lycopodium class continues to flourish, section ferns, leaves of plants to get the original wedge development of new ferns and seed ferns began to appear.
initial research of Devonian in Devon, southwest England (Devonshire), Devon Devonian marine sedimentary rocks from the composition, but in Wales , Scotland and western England, Devonian is thick continental Old Red Sandstone. Early Devonian, the North American continent is a low-lying, sea very little in the Devonian Appalachian in the big groove portion of the time accepted the deposits. This period of rock found in the Mississippi Valley, Great Lakes, Canada Northwest and Appalachian regions. Devonian strata of the best development in New York State, where the complete series of fossil rich. West New York Devonian outcrop in Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and Nevada. the majority were in the Late Devonian. Devonian is also exposed in the British Isles, Germany, France and the Soviet Union; China and other eastern locations; South Africa; Australia and New Zealand; and South America. In North America, to begin in the late Devonian Devonian orogeny mm A Kente a screen apparent the climax, the increase in accompanied by a huge volcanic movement, uplift of the Appalachian region from New England to Canada by the coastal provinces of the mountains.
display Devonian climate was warm. The fossil record shows that time as distant as the Arctic region in the moderate zone climate.
biological Devonian to the expansion of land plants is characterized by small leafless plant from the plant species to strains of up to twelve meters of tree ferns are.
highly wide range of marine invertebrates by reef corals, sponges, echinoderms, molluscs and brachiopods form many.
trilobites greatly diluted in number, whatsoever, colossal individual species merely tin be as large as 74 cm long.
land The earliest insects appeared, some freshwater clams and snails.
vertebrates has undergone a nearly explosive development, freshwater and marine fish are a lot of these primitive jawless fish, including armor fish; a jaw shield with a fish skin; and real sharks. there link up with the jaw with a body heaviness up to 9 m section of a shark-like fish nape.
new types of lungfish category, both a audacity, but also development of the lung as an auxiliary breathing apparatus of the original type, some representatives of these fish are still living, the formation of breathing with gills of fish and amphibians breathe atmosphere with lungs as an important inter- interlock. It will not only change to the original drifting capsule lungs, and some of these fish evolved to the length of fin couples of flippers, to enable them to live on the water for a short time, while there can be land-based limited discipline capacity.
unprecedented view of vertebrate evolution, the Devonian has been called the fish age. The most important is to show the class from the total fin reptiles evolved from the original mm tetrapods (four-legged vertebrates) appear.
some Devonian rocks has important economy value of production in the Appalachian region of glass sand, in Ontario, New York, Ohio and Indiana creating stone products, and products in many parts of North America Oil and natural gas.
the Earth biosphere Devonian period of great change happened, from ocean to land mass into the most famous of this period, the most important event of biological evolution.
first leap into the vertebrate period of development, a great many fish unprecedented boom, with jaw type, number and variety of fish, more armor, the modern bony fish, the fish began to develop mm. Therefore, the Devonian is often referred to as century later, in the late Devonian, the fish board amphibians evolved on land, marked the beginning of vertebrates from the water and finally the evolution process of conquering the land.
Secondly, terrestrial plants on land naked fern completely stand her ground, and their three offspring Lycopodium type, wedge leaf and ferns begin large-scale development, to the late Devonian, there has been composed of numerous of these plants into the forest, the world actually put the green. plants successfully landed, so that the continent into a abandon oasis, the development of plants in the Devonian marks the beginning of a new stage. In addition, in the late Devonian land also appeared premier gymnosperms, It was no until the late Permian, they became the protagonist of land plants.
Devonian, the composition of marine invertebrates, has undergone major changes. very engaged early Paleozoic trilobites only a few representative; Ordovician Ji and Silurian graptolite very prosperous, leaving only a small number of single stone and tree pen Stone; ammonites are gradually replaced by Nautilus class as the main teams of mollusks. brachiopods and coral animals for further development, but the type and Ordovician and Silurian are different, in this period primarily brachiopods Shi Yan class based, and the coral reef and rugose corals Zeyi main mattress embark.
Devonian, geological label of the Paleozoic section Four century, approximately 405 million years ago, began and ended in 350 million years ago, lasted almost 5,000 years. the three systems.
fruitful fern nude early, medial, ferns and primitive gymnosperms appear. invertebrate addition to corals, brachiopods, worm holes and layer (Stromatoporoidea, coelenterate door, Hydra, a target moth Gang ) and so continue to flourish, but also the emergence of primitive ammonoids (Ammonites, is Mollusca, cephalopods, a subclass), and insects. vertebrates, fish (including fish, armor, safeguard the skin of fish, the total fin fish ) unprecedented development, so the Devonian has > Carboniferous (Carboniferous period) - the plant world's busiest (the era of amphibians)
Carboniferous (Carboniferous period) is the 5th century the Paleozoic, starting at about 355 million years ago to 295 million, continues the 6000 years. Carboniferous land area additional time, the unprecedented development of terrestrial organisms. when warm, humid swamps. there have been large-scale continental forests, coal and create favorable conditions for the formation of .
Carboniferous crustal movement is very vigorous period, which has a great perspective of the ancient geography of the change. The differentiation of the air and is very clear that the ancient continent northwardly of the warm moist coal region, Gondwana But for the cold continental glacier continental sedimentary environment. climatic district led to the animal and plant geographical formation.
prosperous earth Carboniferous plants representative of the period. Carboniferous period began 3.5 Ma ago million years, extending because about 6,500 years. Since the formation of the strata of this period is rich in coal, accordingly the name more than 50%.
Carboniferous Ji Lusheng animal evolution quick development of biotechnology, marine invertebrates have also been updated.
compared with the Devonian, Carboniferous dragonflies class is the most important invertebrates Ji Haisheng The group, which groups the brachiopod although reduced, amount, still account for a very important position, ammonite cephalopods Zeyi the rapid development of the main.
in the late Carboniferous vertebrate evolution once leap Since then, free from dependence on the water to encounter the broader field of ecology to the early formation of the North American forests of Pennsylvania, represented by lizards. alive in the land of insects such as cockroaches and dragonflies class, there are the sudden rise of a class of Carboniferous terrestrial animals, their advent and were closely associated to lush forests, and some great individual dragonflies, Liang Chi opens up big to 70cm.
Carboniferous and Devonian marine invertebrates approximation, there a significant change. shallow benthic animals still corals, brachiopods prevailed. As early as the late Carboniferous movable and swimming animals, the emergence of new spindle, ammonoids class is still thriving, to the Carboniferous trilobite has most of the extinction, only a few species.
premier discovered the insects in the Devonian, Carboniferous further flourish in the known Carboniferous, Permian insects to more than 1,300. more prosperous terrestrial vertebrates, amphibians accounted dominance. Early Carboniferous beginning, amphibians flourish, Kennedy arose in the 1st important level (also known as fans gear type), while there are a prosperous class of vertebral shell.
Carboniferous development of factories (3.5 million years antecedent) - the spectacular fern jungle.
Carboniferous plants representative of the world's largest prosperous period. Early Carboniferous plants see similar to the Late Devonian , continued growth of ancient ferns, but only to adjust to the context in the coastal lowlands; the further development of the Late Carboniferous plants, ferns and club mosses in addition to class section, the ferns and seed ferns began to amplify rapidly. gymnosperms in caustic of the tree is a tall tree, to chance an of important substances made of coal.
Carboniferous warm and moist climate is favorable to plant growth. With the expansion of land area, land plants to the mainland from the coastal zone inner enhancement, and unprecedented development, the formation of large-scale forest and swamp, to the formation of coal catered favorable conditions, so the Carboniferous period of geological history as the most important coal-forming period. In addition, prevalent Carboniferous crustal movement is period, then fold addition in many areas, the formation of mountains and land, terrain elevation and downs, so apparent on the earth's climate variation. according to the different geographical environment, the scientists characterized along to the distribution of plants by the Carboniferous a singular plant geography, plant geography of each region has its own characteristics flora (flora) and some ecological characteristics.
forests in the Carboniferous, either high trees, there are dense shrubs. trees in Equisetum root, horsetail stems can grow to 20-40 cm thick, namely they like a humid, warmhearted dispensed in rills and lakes and marshes. Lycopodium namely different type of tree, they are tall and eminent, into the membrane distribution, the maximum Lycopodium up to 40 meters. Carboniferous, early in the gymnosperms (such as cycads, conifers, Ginkgo biloba) namely remarkable, but the number of the most abundant ferns. fern plant is a prosperous household of bushes, however they cheap, but a large number of forests preoccupy the lower space, firm bunches of thronged, day along day. can be said that the cause why ashore Earth today have such a wealthy deposits of coal resources, and the Carboniferous of the plant monarchy prosperous closely related. China is a coal big nation, exotic scientists have pointed out the extensive amplitude of the Carboniferous and dense forests can be produced from the Chinese point of outlook out of the thickness of coal seam, some seam thickness was more than 120 meters, which is equivalent to 2440 m thickness of the native vegetable stuff.
How to become a coal plant is it? the Carboniferous plant variety, growing rapidly, even now some of them soon after the death of ...

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